What do you do to unplug for a bit?
Self-care is not all about bubble baths & salon visits…
Ohhhh unplugging!!! What a luxury right? Shouldn't be. In this 2021 recovery from a pandemic, it's downright mandatory! Seriously, 2020 was obviously crazy and we all were terribly stressed out. 2021 presents us with opportunities to recover from that but it seems like we're all trying to recover AND get ahead at the cost of our own sanity and health. So what alleviates that a bit? Finding time to unplug - whether that's for an hour, a day or a vacation.
I can't tell you what will work for you but here are a few of my unplugging scenarios. I break my unplug time into a few major categories.
First, is what I call “short unplugging” for under an hour because I'm stressed out and need to take a break. That usually involves leaving my phone on my desk and taking a walk (with or without my crazy dog!). I don't listen to anything - no podcasts, no music, just the birds, the wind, kids playing in their yards - it all helps me just connect with the present.
If I need more than that, it typically breaks down to three scenarios:
I need to reconnect with myself
I need to reground myself
I need to be nurtured.
When I need to reconnect with myself, I'll grab my AirPods, head to a corner of my house that I don't normally hang out in or sit in all day and I'll put on ocean sounds. The sound of the waves crashing and seagulls calling let me be really present in the moment and just let my brain wander. It's as close to meditation as I probably get. I can tune out everything else and feel myself relax and reconnect with who I am. Then when I head back into my day, I'm relaxed and refreshed.
When I need to reground myself, I'll jump into a Peloton class or go for a run for 45 minutes to an hour. This really lets me burn off any energy that is not doing me any favors (stress, anxiety, etc) and allows me to disconnect from everything else and give myself a little self-care. Not only is it great for my mind, but obviously there are physical benefits as well. The music gets me jazzed and the exercise just releases all the toxic energy in me so I can approach the rest of my day renewed.
When I need to nurture myself, I'll grab a good book and a comfy spot on my sofa and I'll snuggle in for an hour long read. I refuse to read nonfiction in these nurturing grabs so that I can just lose myself in the story for a bit. It takes me away long enough to come back with a fresh approach.
For what I do for longer-term unplugs, head over to my podcast page and give a listen! Hey, they are all under 10 minutes so you’ve got time to listen before you unplug!